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Index > Operations Policies > Event Scheduling and Academic Space Use Policy

Event Scheduling and Academic Space Use Policy


This policy is intended to set forth Rhode Island School of Design’s (“RISD”) position on the utilization of its academic and event space and to identify the process, procedures, requirements and orderly use of such buildings, facilities and grounds, consistent with the College's educational mission.


This policy applies to all individuals and groups (internal and external) requesting to use any property owned, leased, or operated by RISD for academic and non-academic use. This does not cover residential space, office space, or spaces overseen by Facilities Management.


  • Event: any planned gathering of individuals or groups, including, but not limited to, meetings, critiques, lectures, artist talks, receptions, conferences, workshops, symposiums, and other presentations.
  • External Group: any group, organization, person, or program not directly affiliated with the RISD. For purposes of this policy, individuals who are employed by or affiliated with the college (e.g., alumni) shall be considered external groups if they seek to use the college's space in an individual capacity or as a representative of a third-party organization.
  • Internal Group: any college department or departments, program, faculty, staff, student(s) or recognized student organization requesting to use a college facility for its own purposes. For purposes of clarification, a RISD department, program, recognized student organization or RISD-affiliated individual is not considered an internal group if it is requesting the use of a college facility for the use of an external group.
  • Student Organization: a student group that has registered with RISD’s Center for Student Involvement (CSI).
  • Co-Sponsored Group: an external group represented by an internal group while meeting the following conditions or requirements:
    • the co-sponsored group and the associated use of college space is consistent with the mission of the college;
    • the internal group has direct involvement with planning and execution of the event; and
    • the co-sponsored event has been approved by Center for Community Partnerships (CCP).
  • Requestor: an individual responsible for requesting the use of space for an event on behalf of themselves, someone else, or a group they represent in 25Live. Users assigned to this role will receive communications from 25Live regarding event updates.
  • Scheduler: an individual organizing or hosting an event. The role of Scheduler must be assigned when an event is created on behalf of the individual in 25Live.
  • Approver: an individual assigned to approve or deny requests for specific space in 25Live.
  • Administrator: an individual with access to the administrative functions in 25Live.
  • Auto-book: term to define spaces that are bookable on a first-come, first-served basis and do not require approval in 25Live. All spaces are still subject to the terms outlined in this policy.
  • Organization: the department or office sponsoring an event in 25Live.
  • Auditorium: a large capacity space.
  • Academic Space: a classroom or space primarily utilized for course instruction, studio instruction and other course-related activities (critiques, exams, screenings, lectures, artist talks, etc). Academic spaces may contain tablet armchairs, tables and chairs, screen/projector, whiteboard/chalkboard, pin-up space, etc. Additionally, spaces may contain equipment specific to each major. Academic space is managed by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Non-Academic Space: spaces not primarily used for academic scheduling. Examples include the 20 Washington Place Auditorium and Gathering Space, conference rooms, outdoor spaces, Library spaces, RISD Museum spaces, etc. Many non-academic spaces are managed by ECCES.
  • Computer Lab: a room with fixed computer stations.
  • Conference Room: a room typically used for meetings by staff and administration.
  • Critique Space: rooms or spaces that are used for installation, viewing and critique of work.
  • Homespace: dedicated student workspace in a department where courses may also be taught.
  • Screening Room: rooms that are used for screenings with enhanced projection and audio capabilities.
  • Shop: rooms with specialized equipment such as wood shops, print shops, and metal shops.
  • Studio: spaces where studio-based courses are taught but that are not also home space. For example, a drawing studio in Illustration or the Foundation Studies studios.
  • Flexible Space: also known as multipurpose space. These rooms are typically flexible in terms of room layout, setup and usage.
  • Rental Fee: the published cost for an external group to rent and use a space owned by RISD. The Rental Fee is exclusively set by ECCES and updated annually. Standard and discretionary discounts on rental fees (i.e., non-profit discounts and multi-day discounts) may be offered to external groups per approval of ECCES.
  • Facility Use Fees: non-revenue generating fees reflecting hard and soft costs of events being held in certain RISD locations. Facilities use fees will be determined by ECCES and may be applied to internal and co-sponsored events.


RISD space has the primary purpose of supporting the educational mission of the college and its curricular and co-curricular programs. RISD hereby establishes 25Live as the system of record for space use, which shall be the means for reserving physical space on campus for individuals and groups (internal and external). External Campus Conference and Events Services (“ECCES”) reserves the right to withhold approval of any requested space and/or equipment, establish financial charges for said use, reassign any space, or impose any requirements related to safety, security, or maintenance. Academic space is managed by the Registrar’s Office. Classroom space is not guaranteed for any non-course related events; the Office of the Registrar reserves the right to adjust or deny classroom confirmations.

All space on campus may be requested for use, as all space is institutionally owned by the college and RISD Museum. 25Live is the system of record on campus for reserving space and specifying space utilization. This is the only system that shall be used to book event space on campus. Any requests for space made outside of this system will not be considered valid. Academic course scheduling should not be submitted through 25Live but instead through the Registrar’s Office.

RISD credit-bearing courses and related components (crits, exams, etc.) take precedence over non-course-related events and conferences. RISD reserves the right to reassign or relocate events based on academic need, prevailing need, or other conflicts that are yet unknown. In situations when it becomes necessary to cancel a reservation, users will be notified, and all reasonable options will be explored to find a suitable alternative.

The reservation system accepts space requests up to 365 days in advance of the date of the event. Requests for academic spaces for one-time events will become available to be requested within 30 days of the start of the academic semester and may stay in a pending state until course scheduling has been finalized for the semester/term by the Registrar’s Office.

Requests for departmental space will be automatically routed to the assigned approver within 25Live. Approvers of space must be in touch with requestors within three (3) business days of submission of the request to indicate room status. All reservation requests requiring additional services, including catering, room setup, AV equipment, or additional staffing, must be submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the reservation date.

All spaces are accessible for the entire RISD community to request and reserve. Because meeting and classroom space is in high demand, a reservation request may be denied if it monopolizes extended periods of time. Any reservation request for a large block of space(s) on consecutive or ad-hoc dates is subject to review by 25Live administrators. Events may not be scheduled outside of established building hours. General building hours for academic spaces are 6:00 am-2:00 am.

RISD can and does impose conditions for the use of any of its buildings, facilities, and grounds. Individuals or groups not affiliated with the College (including campus visitors) may not use any RISD space as a platform for their own personal or political displays or statements. Permission to use a College facility does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or support by the college of the views, opinions, programs, or activities of the users, speakers, presenters, or organizers.

The following types of activities ordinarily will NOT have access to RISD buildings, facilities and grounds:

  • activities which could be construed by the public to be educational courses or other activities;sponsored by the college when, in fact, they are not so sponsored;
  • activities sponsored by external groups for political or religious purposes;
  • activities conducted primarily for the purpose of making a profit for the sponsoring organization, which are not of interest to the college community, and
  • activities that fall outside the guidelines listed herein.

RISD reserves the right to cancel or suspend an event if the event violates this Policy and/or becomes a threat to health and safety.


All requests to use RISD space, the college and the RISD Museum must be submitted via 25Live. Any arrangements for space made outside of this system will not be considered valid. If a double booking occurs, the event on record in 25Live takes precedence. This allows for a record to accurately identify the individual or group making the request, provide an explicit description of the proposed event, provide the expected number of event attendees or participants, and provide information on any logistical needs required for the event. The role of Scheduler must be accurately assigned when an event is created on behalf of an individual.

  • Student Organizations
    Requests for events run by student organizations must be submitted through the CSI. Student organizations may not serve as proxy organizations for outside entities to operate on campus. Student organizations that wish to co-sponsor campus events with outside organizations or entities must seek the advice and consent of the CSI. While RISD recognizes the benefits of partnerships and collaborations with non-college entities, the logistical and financial responsibilities of student-sponsored events must reside with a recognized student organization and its leadership.
  • Co-Sponsored Groups
    RISD recognizes that mutual benefit is received when partnering with external or community organizations to offer events on campus that further the goals and mission of the institution. These events are either co-sponsored or external. Co-sponsorship may be requested by an external group through the Center for Community Partnerships or initiated by a RISD department. No matter the origin, co-sponsorship must be approved by the Center for Community Partnerships (co-sponsorship information and form found here)

For all events involving co-sponsored groups, the internal group that is serving as the sponsor must take on the following responsibilities:

  • serve as the point of contact for all other college department(s) and individual(s) providing support for the event, coordinate all arrangements related to the event with the relevant college department(s) and individual(s)
  • ensure that a representative of the internal group that is serving as the sponsor is on site at all times throughout the event
  • ensure compliance with this policy and all other college policies, procedures, and requirements applicable to the event
  • obtain approval from CCP before waiving any fees that might apply to external groups
  • secure a Certificate of Liability insurance from the off-campus sponsor naming RISD as an additional insured; requests for waivers and exceptions will be the decision of the RISD Office of Risk Management and made on a case-by-case basis.
  • External Groups
    • If an internal group would like the rental fee to be discounted or waived for an external group, approval must be granted by the Center for Community Partnerships, All other financial accountability is with the external group. ECCES will be directly responsible for planning and execution of the event.
    • If RISD is hiring a vendor to come to the space to provide a service and ten (10) or fewer external people are on campus, this is not considered a co-sponsored event.

Outdoor Spaces

City parks, streets and property must be reserved through the City of Providence. For questions on permits for non-RISD spaces, contact External Campus Conference and Events Services ( Outdoor spaces owned by RISD can be reserved in 25Live. Market Square is visible in 25Live for visibility within the RISD community. Reservations for Market Square must also be made with the city of Providence.

Priority of Use

The annual scheduling cycle is established by allocating space in the following priority order:

  • Academic Scheduling degree program classes have the highest priority. Course information will be available to view in 25Live during the following estimated times:
    • April 15 for Fall Semester
    • May 15 for Summer Term
    • October 15 for Wintersession Term
    • November 15 for Spring Semester
  • Continuing Education classes are scheduled into 25Live during the following estimated times:
    • January 20 for Spring semester
    • May 20 for the Summer term
    • July 20 for the Fall semester
    • October 20 for Wintersession
  • Curricular Events that support the work of students for credit-bearing classes throughout the semester, including critiques, workshops, film screenings, etc.
  • Institution-wide Events that need spaces across campus during the timeframe that they occur including Orientation, RISD Weekend, Commencement, etc.
  • Departmental Events that are in support of the department such as visiting artists and lecturers, guest critics, gallery openings, symposiums, panel discussions, etc.
  • Internal Events faculty, staff and student organization sponsored events.
  • External Events seeking to use RISD buildings, facilities and grounds for purposes consistent with the college's mission.

Designated approvers of space will evaluate all requests by the groups mentioned above to use RISD space based on the following criteria:

  • Compatibility with the college's mission;
  • Opportunity to support college alumni and partners;
  • Development of community relations;
  • Compatibility with maintenance and construction requirements;
  • Potential for disruption to college operations;
  • Potential for income generation


Internal groups may request to use a wide range of RISD space for their events. External groups may only request to use RISD space through ECCES. All uses are subject to request and approval consistent with this policy. Some spaces or events may also have additional policies and/or guidelines that all users must comply with and/or follow. Details, including space capacity, media capabilities, specialized equipment, and additional requirements, can be found in 25Live.

Flexible spaces used for academic and non-academic purposes give priority to academic scheduling. Requests to use flexible spaces for events are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and should meet the following criteria:

  • Spaces that favor performance-based use are given to courses/assignments/events with this purpose;
  • Uses/assignments/events that serve the greatest number of students; and
  • Maximum effective use of the room.

Additional Event Services

It is the responsibility of the requestor to communicate with all appropriate support departments the needs of their event (outlined below). Spaces should be left in the same condition in which they were found. Tables, chairs, and furniture should be returned to their original positions and all property accounted for and left in its original condition. All food and beverage items should be removed prior to vacating the location at the conclusion of the event.

  • Catering All food and beverage requirements should be requested a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance and can be placed here.
  • Work Order Requests for event setup and takedown must be submitted to Facilities via the work order system here.
  • Media Resources To discuss the logistics and audio-visual needs (including AV equipment/support/recording/live streaming), contact Media Resources (
  • Building Access If you require access to a space that is not accessible by pin-code or card reader, please reach out to Card Services or Public Safety to arrange access.
  • Promotion Requesters and Schedulers should not invite guests or promote any event until approval has been received. The RISD name and address may be used to indicate event location and for directions. No other use of RISD’s name or logo in advertising is permitted without the express approval of RISD’s Marketing and Communications or General Counsel. Events open to the RISD community or general public can be submitted for approval through Involved to be posted on
  • Public Safety Large events or events where alcohol is present may require additional security at the discretion of RISD Public Safety. Contact Public Safety at

Fees and Costs

Facility usage fees for RISD buildings, facilities, and/or grounds will vary depending on the space being used. Internal groups and co-sponsored groups may not generally be charged a facility usage fee, but may be responsible for other costs associated with the event, as determined by ECCES in its sole discretion.

External groups using RISD space may be charged a facility usage fee depending on the type or nature of the event and/or the facility being used. External groups will be responsible for all costs associated with the event, including, but not limited to, security, audio-visual services, catering, custodial services, and technical equipment. Nonprofit and government groups will be given a 25% discount on venue costs.

Written Agreements

All external and co-sponsored groups are required to sign a written agreement to use any RISD buildings, facilities and/or grounds. Once a request to use a specific RISD space is approved, ECCES will provide a written agreement to the external group. All written agreements must be signed by an authorized representative of the external group and returned at least four (4) weeks prior to the event. Internal Groups will generally not be required to sign a written agreement.

Compliance with Laws and Policies

All events must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations or guidelines provided by an administrative agency with jurisdiction over such an event. Additionally, all events must strictly comply with all applicable college policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures include, but are not limited to, those listed under Related Policies.


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that when planning conferences, events, and activities, the sponsoring office or department handle requests for accommodations. In registration brochures, invitations, or flyers, the following statement should be used:

To request disability accommodation, students contact Disability Support Services ( Employees contact Human Resources ( External individuals or groups, contact External Campus Conference and Events Services (

Alcohol Use

Anyone planning a RISD event on or in the vicinity of campus that will have alcohol served must advise the Department of Public Safety. The following rules generally apply to all events:

  • At least one staff or faculty member must attend.
  • A Public Safety officer may need to be present at the discretion of Public Safety.
  • Large events may require the presence of a Providence police officer(s) or Providence firefighter(s) at the discretion of Public Safety. The sponsoring department or external group will incur the costs for internal or outside agency details.
  • Any and all alcoholic beverages are to be used according to state and local laws, including the laws of the State of Rhode Island, the City of Providence or the town of Barrington. All events, including the service of alcohol, require that a RISD Public Safety officer be present. The event must also be staffed by a TIPS-certified bartender. Self-service bars are not permitted. An Alcohol Use Regulations Form must be submitted to Public Safety and Dining + Catering at least two weeks prior to the event.


All users of RISD space shall be fully responsible for any damage, loss, or destruction of college property that occurs as a result of an event, with the exception of ordinary wear and tear.


No internal group, co-sponsored group, or external group using RISD space for any event shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran's status, or genetic information.


External and co-sponsored Groups must provide and maintain, at their own expense and at all times during the use of any college space, comprehensive general liability insurance in an amount not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence. Depending on the nature of the event, the college reserves the right to require that the insurance policy contain no exclusion for sexual abuse and molestation. The college and its officers, trustees, employees, agents, and volunteers must be named as additional insured under such insurance policy and the external group must provide the college with a certificate of insurance reflecting the coverage and this designation at least ten (10) business days prior to the event. The college and the RISD Museum, in its sole discretion, reserve the right to require external groups to provide insurance coverage for other events. If these requirements are not met, the college facility may not be used. The address that should be used on the additional insured page is: Rhode Island School of Design, 20 Washington Place, Providence, RI 02903.

External groups are responsible for insuring their own property and any business income/extra expense exposure. Under no circumstances will the college be liable for any loss or damage to any property of the external group.

Questions concerning insurance should be directed to RISD’s Director of Risk & Emergency Management and RISD Property Holdings at 401 454-6497.

Policy Sanctions

RISD faculty, staff, and students who engage in activities that violate this policy will be referred to the appropriate office for corrective action.

Additionally, RISD reserves the right to review alleged violations of this policy in conjunction with other appropriate offices and under other applicable College policies and procedures, including but not limited to those listed under Related Policies

Related policies

Revision history

This policy was created on: 1/24/2020

This policy was last reviewed/modified on: 11/12/2024

Next scheduled review: 1/24/2026


Issuing Office

External Campus Conference and Events Services

Responsible Officer

Vice President, Campus Services

Individuals/offices required for review and changes

Associate Director, External Campus Conference and Event Services

Director, Risk & Emergency Management and RISD Property Holdings

Office of the Registrar

Director, Center for Student Involvement