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Index > Operations Policies > Campus Protests and Demonstrations Policy

Campus Protests and Demonstrations Policy


This policy outlines the expectations related to campus protests and demonstrations and provides guidelines around their manner to ensure the safe operation of the College.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff and students.

Policy Statement

The Rhode Island School of Design community is one of inquiry, ideas, and influence. All members of the RISD community have the right to freedom of speech, expression and assembly, including peaceful protests and orderly demonstrations. The College encourages the free exchange of ideas, and all campus community members are expected to conduct dialogues with respect, dignity and courtesy. Conduct that endangers others, disrupts college operations, or obstructs physical movement to, from, or within any college-owned or operated building or property is strictly prohibited. Although protest is an acceptable means of expression within the RISD community, it becomes unacceptable and not in compliance with this policy when it obstructs the basic exchange of ideas and creates an unsafe environment for RISD Campus community members.

This Policy will be enforced in a manner that is fair, impartial, and non-discriminatory. All determinations and actions taken under this Policy, including but not limited to referrals to RISD conduct processes and responses to violations of City ordinances and State laws, will be made without regard to race, color, national origin, or any other protected characteristic, in compliance with nondiscrimination laws and RISD's Nondiscrimination Policy & Procedures.


  • Activism: work to cause political, environmental, economic, or social change.
  • Demonstration: a public action to raise awareness on an issue
  • Disruptive Conduct: conduct by any member of the RISD community that substantially obstructs, impairs, or interferes with (i) teaching, study, research, or administration of the College; (ii) the authorized and other permissible use of College facilities, including meetings of College students, faculty, staff, administrators and/or guests; or (iii) the rights and privileges of other members of the College community. Any member of the College who engages in disruptive conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Disruptive conduct includes but is not limited to (1) obstruction, impairment, or interference with College sponsored or authorized activities or facilities in a manner that is likely to or does deprive others of the benefit or enjoyment of the activity or facility and (2) use or threatened use of force against any member of the College community or their family that substantially and directly bears upon the member's functions within the College.
  • March: a demonstration usually consisting of a group of people moving together in a mass formation that either begins or ends at a predetermined location.
  • Protest: a public expression of dissent or objection towards an idea or action.
  • Vandalism: an action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property


While the College encourages the free exchange of ideas, the College may limit the time, place, and manner of demonstrations. All campus community members are expected to conduct dialogues with dignity and courtesy. Moreover, to ensure community safety and functionality, campus community members must allow other community members freedom of movement on campus and the freedom to perform their duties and pursue their educational or employment activities. Viewpoints and opinions expressed by individuals or demonstrators may not be attributed to RISD or presented as an official RISD position. The occurrence of an event or activity at the College should not be interpreted to mean that the College endorses, supports, refutes or disagrees with its subject matter or content.

In order to ensure the safety of all participants, the Office of Student Life or the Department of Public Safety should be notified at least 48 hours in advance by submitting the Protest and Demonstration Form in advance of any planned demonstrations, marches, or protests and may advise organizers regarding the guidelines for such activity.

The Department of Public Safety, in Consultation with Providence Police/Fire, shall determine the number of persons who may be safely accommodated in any area where demonstrations occur. Occupancy information is available from the Department of Public Safety. Campus community members are expected and required to vacate an area or facility of the College when directed to do so by an authorized official of the College.

I. Time, Duration and Location:

An activity that is neither disruptive nor obstructive is permitted in public areas of campus buildings only during the hours when the buildings are open. RISD community members wishing to stay in a building past normal hours of operation should submit that request to the Office of Student Life or the Department of Public Safety as outlined above. An activity that is neither disruptive nor obstructive is permitted in outdoor areas of the campus regardless of time.

The placement of structures or displays on college property requires permission from the Office of Student Life or Environmental Health and Safety. See the Installation Site Guidelines and Permit Policy and request form.

II. Manner:

A protest or demonstration must not interfere with the College's mission, processes, procedures, or functions. Therefore, those who engage in protests must recognize and allow the College staff and faculty to perform their duties and allow students to pursue their educational activities. Impeding or restricting these activities by blocking entrances or exits from College facilities or by coercion, intimidation, threats, or violence is unacceptable and subject to RISD’s existing policies; see the Policy Sanctions section of this policy.

Organizers are responsible for complying with all building rules and public health and safety requirements; any demonstrations or protests on RISD property, reserved or otherwise, note:

Outdoor Demonstrations may not:

  • disrupt the regular conduct of College teaching, business, or other activities, including (without limitation) the activities of groups who have previously reserved a particular space;
  • interfere with vehicle traffic in any way;
  • impede access to or from College property or campus roads;
  • endanger the safety of others or pose a risk of property damage;
  • use open flames, including lamps, lanterns, torches, and other open flame sources;

Indoor Demonstrations may not:

  • disrupt the regular conduct of College teaching, business, or other activities, including (without limitation) the activities of groups who have previously reserved a particular space;
  • block building entrances, corridors, stairways, doorways or any means of egress; violate occupancy limits, fire codes, or otherwise endanger the safety of others or pose a risk of property damage;
  • use open flames, including lamps, lanterns, torches, and other open flame sources;
  • use pole-mounted signage;
  • cause any property damage;
  • involve members outside of the RISD community. RISD reserves the right to request a valid RISD ID at any indoor protest/demonstration or
  • extend outside of normal operating hours.

Unauthorized entry and/or use of any College space is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized entry into or occupation of any College room, building, area of campus, or other space controlled by the University in a manner not permitted by the standard rules or policies governing operation for that space. Refusal to leave a space at the request of a College official is considered unauthorized use of space. Please note that living units, private studios and offices, community dining spaces, the RISD Museum, and Fleet Library are never appropriate locations for indoor demonstrations.


Policy Sanctions

RISD faculty, staff, and students who engage in activities that violate this policy will be referred to the appropriate office for corrective action.

Additionally, RISD reserves the right to review alleged violations of this policy in conjunction with other appropriate offices and under other applicable College policies and procedures, including but not limited to those listed under Related Policies

Related policies

Revision history

This policy was created on: 8/4/2014

This policy was last reviewed/modified on: 9/16/2024

Next scheduled review: 9/16/2026


Issuing Office

Environmental Health and Safety

Responsible Officer

Vice President, Campus Services

Individuals/offices required for review and changes

General Counsel

Human Resources

Public Safety


Risk Management

Student Life