Campus Protests and Demonstrations
The RISD community is one of inquiry, ideas, and influence. A member of the RISD community may protest, rally or demonstrate provided such protests or demonstrations do not disrupt college operations or obstruct physical movement to, from, or within any place on the campus, including college property located off the main campus. While the campus must be open to the free exchange of ideas, the College may limit the time, place, and manner of demonstrations. All members of the community are expected to conduct dialogues with dignity and courtesy. Students must allow other community members freedom of movement on campus and the freedom to engage in the performance of their duties and the pursuit of their educational activities.
- Office of Student Life or designee must, within 24 hours, be notified in advance of any planned demonstrations, and may instruct organizers regarding the guidelines for such activity.
- A protest, rally, or demonstration must not interfere with the missions, processes, procedures or functions of the College (see C1. of the Student Code of Conduct). Therefore, protesters must recognize and allow the staff and faculty of the College to engage in the performance of their duties, and for students to pursue their educational activities. Impeding or restricting these activities by making noise, blocking entrances or exits from College facilities, or by coercion, intimidation or threats or use of violence is unacceptable (see C2. of the Student Code of Conduct).
- An activity that is neither disruptive nor obstructive is permitted in public areas of campus buildings only during the hours when the buildings are normally open. Students wishing to stay in a building past normal operation hours should submit that request per guidelines outlined in #1. An activity that is neither disruptive nor obstructive is permitted in outdoor areas of the campus.
- Placement of structures or displays on College property requires permission of Student Life or designee.
- The Office of Public Safety in consultation with Providence Police/Fire shall determine the number of persons who may be safely accommodated in any area where demonstrations occur. Occupancy information is available from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety or the Office of Public Safety.
- Students are expected and required to vacate an area or facility of the College when directed to do so by an authorized official of the College (see Section C8. of the Student Code of Conduct).