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Index > Operations Policies > Political Activity Policy

Political Activity Policy


The purpose of this policy is to specify permissible and non-permissible use of Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) facilities and resources for politically-related activity on campus by students and employees.


This policy applies to RISD faculty, staff, and students, including anyone making use of RISD facilities and resources.

Policy Statement

As a non-profit, private institution of higher education whose activities are regulated in part by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, RISD is prohibited from participating in political campaigns for candidates, political parties and partisan specific organizations or ballot initiatives, and is restricted in conducting lobbying activities. RISD reserves the right to amend or modify this policy at its discretion or as it deems necessary to comply with the regulations governing political activities of 501(c)(3) entities.


  • Candidate: a person who has filed a formal declaration of candidacy for an elected public office or has made a public statement of their candidacy prior to the legal opportunity to declare a candidacy.
  • Lobbying: Acting directly or soliciting others to act for the purpose of promoting, opposing, amending, or influencing any action or inaction by any member of the executive or legislative branch of government or any public corporation.
  • Student Organization: RISD-recognized campus-based Student Organization.


Students & Student Organizations

Student Organizations officially recognized by RISD may participate in a political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office in a manner that complies with RISD policies and procedures.

RISD student organizations created for the purposes of advocacy for the election of a political Candidate (i.e., Students for Candidate X) or ballot initiatives may not receive funding from RISD. These student organizations are also not permitted to use RISD facilities or resources for activities prohibited by this policy or IRS regulations.

Distribution of campaign materials is generally prohibited on campus. In accordance with RISD procedures restricting solicitation within on-campus residences, organized campaigning is not permitted in on-campus housing.

Faculty & Staff

This policy is not intended to prohibit faculty from expressing personal political views in their instructional role, provided that the faculty member does not claim to speak on behalf of RISD. This policy does not restrict faculty or staff from speaking or expressing political matters, including testifying with legislators or policymakers about the subjects of their expertise or personal experience, provided that they do not represent that they are speaking on behalf of RISD.

Faculty and staff may take part in partisan political activities freely on their own time and in their individual capacities but not in their capacity as employees of RISD or in ways that would create the appearance of endorsement by RISD.

RISD faculty and staff may not and must not be asked to perform tasks related to partisan political activities during working hours.

Faculty and staff who hold public office or are campaigning for public office are prohibited from using RISD funds, logos/marks, services, supplies, vehicles, inter-office mail, or a email account when conducting political activities.

RISD Facilities & Resources

RISD facilities and resources are not generally available for use in political campaigns or on behalf of candidates for public office unless otherwise explicitly permitted by the President. The following examples are prohibited for use in political campaigns or candidate activities:

  1. RISD funds, including the Student Activities Fee and RISD’s sales tax exemption for purchase of goods and services;
  2. Use of the RISD name, logo or marks-specifically, neither the RISD name nor that of any RISD entity that is supported in part or whole by RISD’s funds, nor RISD insignia/indicia, may appear on stationery or any other material used or intended for political purposes other than the use of RISD to specify the location of an activity or event or, as appropriate, identifying the sponsor as a RISD chapter or collection of individuals from RISD, but not in such a way as to construe that the event is, in any way, officially endorsed or sponsored by RISD;
  3. Use of RISD title or position — such information should only be used for identification and not an indication of RISD endorsement;
  4. Any RISD-sponsored campus communication tool or system, including but not limited to the phone system and other electronic devices, RISD letterhead, the campus mail system, listservs, and RISD’s computer and Internet network;
  5. RISD bulk-mailing privilege and mailing lists, including the addresses of departmental offices or faculty or staff offices, and faculty, staff or student e-mail addresses;
  6. RISD-provided office supplies, computers, telephones, facsimile machines, copiers or other equipment;
  7. Film or other image capture (video, live stream and photographs) of classrooms, residential and living spaces, dining areas, campus greens, building interiors or exteriors, and other RISD property for political campaign purposes; and
  8. RISD spaces or buildings for posting campaign materials unless they are posted on public exterior bulletin boards in accordance with RISD’s posting policy. The sidewalks next to public streets are city property and not subject to these regulations.

Nonpartisan Activity

RISD cannot directly or indirectly offer institutional endorsement of political candidates, but certain nonpartisan political activities (such as properly organized voter registration activities and voter education programs, Get-Out-The-Vote, or public opinion polling) sponsored by a RISD department or officially recognized Student Organization may be held on campus with the approval of the Provost.

Candidates may appear on campus for non-campaign-related activities, including educational or informational talks with the RISD community. Political campaigns and partisan organizations are not allowed to rent or reserve meeting rooms or event spaces on campus.


Funds or contributions for political candidates, parties, or campaigns may not be solicited in the name of RISD, and RISD resources (including RISD records, directories, or donor rolls) may not be used in soliciting such funds. If RISD students, faculty or staff make political contributions, they do so as individuals and not on behalf of RISD.

Running for Office

RISD faculty, staff, or students may run for public office while at RISD. Faculty and staff must notify RISD Human Resources if they intend to seek public office, so as to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.


RISD faculty, staff, and students may lobby government officials and organizations regarding issues of interest on their own time and in their individual capacity without using RISD resources. Anyone seeking to use RISD resources or their official RISD capacity for lobbying efforts must first contact RISD’s Office of General Counsel for review. Lobbying laws require that RISD report and document any lobbying activities on behalf of RISD.


Student Organizations

Student Organizations must request permission to invite candidates or their representatives through the Center for Student Involvement in the Division of Student Life, following the guidelines for Nonpartisan Activity Procedures.

Nonpartisan Activity

Candidates appearing on campus or using RISD resources must be sponsored by a RISD department or Student Organization with Cabinet-level approval. These speakers must meet the following criteria:

  1. The individual(s) is/are chosen to speak for reasons other than candidacy for public office;
  2. The individual speaks in a non-candidate capacity;
  3. The event format is pre-approved by the Campus Conference and Events Services and the publicity is pre-approved by the Center for Community Partnerships and Media.
  4. No Campaign Activity occurs in connection with the event;
  5. Any such event will be open first to the entire RISD community (without preference based on political affiliation) and then, if space permits, may be open to the general public (without preference based on political affiliation) and
  6. The event meets any additional criteria appropriate for the particular event as determined by RISD.

Policy Sanctions

RISD faculty, staff, and students who engage in activities that violate this policy will be referred to the appropriate office for corrective action.

Additionally, RISD reserves the right to review alleged violations of this policy in conjunction with other appropriate offices and under other applicable College policies and procedures, including but not limited to those listed under Related Policies.

Related policies

Revision history

This policy was last reviewed/modified on: 9/16/2024

Next scheduled review: 9/16/2026


Issuing Office

General Counsel

Responsible Officer

General Counsel

Individuals/offices required for review and changes

Student Life

Human Resources