The purpose of this policy is to provide departments, supervisors, employees and non-employees with specific policies and procedures regarding RISD’s business and travel expenses in order to ensure the appropriate use of college funds and compliance with IRS regulations related to business expenses.
This policy covers the approved methods of transportation while traveling. The policy applies to all faculty, staff, students and others who incur expenses while engaged in RISD business or related travel.
Please refer to the Procure-to-Pay Policies Glossary for the following terms:
- Accountable Plan
- Away from Home
- Business Travel
- Foreign Travel
- Incidentals
- Per Diem Rates
- Personal Expense
- Proof of Payment
- Receipt
- Sponsored Project
- Substantiated Expenses
- Sufficient Documentary Evidence
- Travel Expenses
RISD is a nonprofit institution and a charitable tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Because of this special tax-exempt status, RISD must ensure that its funds are used to further its charitable purposes and that all expenses are reasonable both in nature and amount. Students and their parents, donors, governmental parties and the public are increasingly sensitive about appropriate activity and expenditures on behalf of tax-exempt organizations, and it is very important that RISD manage its resources in an appropriate manner.
All travel must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.
- Booking Travel - All transportation tickets (air, train, car rentals, etc.) for travel on behalf of RISD must be booked via RISD’s official travel booking site (currently Egencia) or authorized travel agency. Examples include, but not limited to departmental travel, RISD Global Travel, and group travel.
- Transportation expenses booked outside of the official travel portal will not be reimbursed. If an exception is necessary, it must be approved by the employee’s supervisor and the Procurement Services (epro@risd.edu) in advance of purchase.
- All international travel and group travel on behalf of RISD must be approved by employee’s manager and either the Provost or Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration via a Workday spend authorization prior to any travel bookings (Spend Authorization Job Aid).
- All travel and entertaining spending must align with the RISD Spending Guidelines posted on the Procurement and Travel websites.
- Air Transportation
- Class of Ticket - The class of air travel chosen is expected to be the lowest-priced or most efficient coach class (nonstop, coach airfare ticket).
- Airline tickets must be booked a minimum of two weeks prior to travel dates.
- Individual travelers who require additional accommodation must be verified by the Office of Human Resources.
- Premium fares must be approved in advance by the employee’s Vice President/Provost and must be in line with this policy.
- Fees for a seat reservation are permissible but not for upgraded seating (i.e., extra legroom, early check-in).
- First-class airfare must not be purchased with college resources and will not be reimbursed.
- Business class is only permissible with international flight times in excess of 10 consecutive flight hours, excluding layovers. All international travel must be approved by employee’s manager and either the Provost or Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration via a Workday spend authorization prior to any travel bookings (Spend Authorization Job Aid) and are subject to procurement approval.
- Frequent Flyer Plans - Travelers may personally retain frequent flyer plan rewards or other bonuses that may accrue from business travel. However, in no case may the traveler choose a reservation at a higher cost in order to accumulate additional plan rewards. RISD will not purchase frequent flyer miles from travelers or reimburse them for tickets purchased with frequent flyer miles. Any membership fees to join frequent flyer clubs are considered personal expenses and will not be reimbursed by RISD.
- Baggage - Charges by airlines for checked baggage when traveling on RISD business are a reimbursable business expense.
- Excess baggage expenses are reimbursable if traveler is transporting College materials.
- Lost Baggage/Items - RISD does not maintain insurance coverage for any loss of personal belongings of its employees while on RISD business travel. College employees are encouraged to make their own arrangements for this type of insurance coverage either through their personal homeowners/renters’ insurance company or with their travel agent at the time of travel. RISD will not reimburse for this type of insurance or loss of personal belongings.
- Airport Parking - Long-term airport parking, generally longer than three days, will not be paid for/reimbursed with college funds unless the cost of long-term parking is lower than the cost of public transportation, cab, or on-demand rideshare service (proper documentation must be provided). Scheduled ride share service (example: Uber and Lyft) is authorized for long-term trips with flights exceeding six continuous hours.
- Ground Transportation
- Auto Travel -When driving on RISD business, drivers must adhere to and follow all laws and regulations of the state or country in which they are driving.
- Personal Automobiles - When the use of a personal automobile is necessary for RISD business, reimbursement for its use will be made at the mileage rate published by the IRS and GSA/FTRs or in accordance with other federal regulations.
- Gas in lieu of mileage is non-reimbursable. It is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure that the proper mileage rate is being used and the distance is based upon actual driving distance using the most direct route. Mileage will be reimbursed for the round-trip distance between RISD and the location of the business function being attended.
- If employees depart from or return to their residence instead of RISD, only the miles in excess of the normal daily commute can be claimed as an expense. However, if the trip is outside normal, scheduled or expected work hours, mileage can be computed from your residence to business destination. Tolls and parking fees are separately reimbursable. (example: driving to the airport on a non-work day.)
- RISD will not reimburse employees for parking tickets, fines for moving violations, vehicle towing charges or auto repairs and maintenance. If more than one authorized traveler is transported in a personal vehicle, mileage is payable to only one person. The owner of the personal vehicle will not be reimbursed more for transporting multiple authorized travelers.
- The maximum reimbursement for personal mileage is 150 (one-way) miles per trip. Mileage exceeding this will not be reimbursed. Any exception to this must be approved by Procurement Services. If an employee submits for reimbursement for a trip in excess of 150 miles (one-way), the associate must provide personal vehicle mileage cost analysis versus other modes of transportation (air, train, rental car, etc.) as part of their expense report submission. The analysis must illustrate that the personal mileage cost was the most economical or equal cost of transportation for the trip.
- Rental Cars - Payment for rental vehicle use as a primary mode of travel transportation is authorized only if the cost is more economical than any other type of transportation or if the destination is not otherwise accessible. Additional expenses, including and not limited to baggage fees, ground transportation to/from airport lodging, parking, and per diem, must be documented with a cost comparison in advance of the trip when comparing the cost of a rental car to airfare.
- Travelers are required to procure rental car services from the college-contracted rental car agencies with whom the college has a strategic and collaborative sourcing agreement, except under limited circumstances when procurement of rental car services from a non-contracted agency is justifiably necessary (example: our contracted agency, currently Enterprise and National, does not have an office in a specific travel destination).
- Rental cars are to be utilized while traveling on behalf of the college outside the greater Providence area.
- Standard vehicle size is the vehicle size for rental purposes.
- Employees should book via RISD’s preferred rental car companies (currently Enterprise and National). This will allow the best price and includes CDW (Collison Damage Waiver) insurance.
- No additional rental car insurance should be purchased for domestic car rentals. If purchased, it will not be reimbursed. Insurance should be purchased, however, for any international rental car bookings.
- Upgrades to full-size cars are permissible if the individual’s supervisor provides approval, and a detailed explanation (e.g., number of persons, luggage accommodations) must be included in the business justification.
- Travelers should refuel the rental vehicle at a gas station to incur the lowest reasonable costs.
- In general, a drive versus fly cost and a personal vehicle mileage versus rental vehicle comparison should be completed.
- Zipcars are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to all students, faculty and staff members, ages 18 and older. Gas, 180 miles per day, insurance, reserved parking spots and roadside assistance are included in the hourly and daily Zipcar rates.
- Zipcars are not to be used for running routine errands around campus or the greater Providence area.
- Zipcars should not be reserved on behalf of another employee or student.
- Ride Share (Uber/Lyft)
- Ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft are allowable expenses when an associate is traveling on behalf of the college. Examples include rides to the airport or train station and for local business travel at the travel destination. Travelers should choose the most reasonable, cost-effective means of traveling locally. Payment/reimbursement for tips is limited to 20%.
- Ride-share services are not authorized for local transportation between RISD buildings and other local transportation in the Providence area (excluding train station and airport).
- Town Car/Limo Service is not authorized.
- Rail Travel - Seating on rail transportation is required to be the lowest-priced ticket, which is equivalent to coach class. Premium train services such as Acela are not allowed. The only exception to this is if there is documentation (screenshots) that the Acela train is lower in price than the coach trains directly before or after the selected train.
Business Travel Accident Insurance
RISD provides business travel accident protection for all active full- and part-time faculty and staff members on RISD-approved and directed business travel. Prior authorization of travel is important to support claims made under this policy. RISD will not reimburse any type of travel insurance purchased for or by a traveler; examples include, but are not limited to: travel health, interruption and cancellation insurance. Specific questions regarding RISD business travel accident insurance coverage should be directed to the Office of Risk Management and Compliance.
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT. This document discusses policies/procedures meant to establish an operational reference point. As data is gathered and risks assessed, the policies/processes in this document will be revised as needed and any and all updates will be communicated to the RISD community. We understand that no policy can account for every single scenario we may encounter. If a situation arises where an exception to the policies/procedures outlined in this manual is required, a letter of authorization from the Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration or his delegate will be required.
Please visit the Procurement Services website for a full description of all procurement procedures, guides and resources.
Pre-Approval Requirements
All business travel must be pre-approved by department head/manager.
Exceptions to Policy
Any exception request of Controller’s Office Policies must be submitted and approved by the Procurement team (epro@risd.edu) prior to booking or purchase.
Timing of Reimbursements
Travel expenses will be paid only after the trip is complete. Expenses should be submitted within 30 days of completing the travel or incurring the expense. Expenses submitted for reimbursement longer than 90 days after completing the travel or incurring the expense will not be reimbursed.
Substantiated Expenses
All expenses must be properly substantiated and include proper receipts and proof of payment; traveler is required to provide sufficient documentary evidence to justify the expense as business travel.
Procedures and definitions for this policy can be found on the Accounts Payable site.
Additional Notes
This policy pertains to travel and business expenses supported by any source of RISD funds including, but not limited to, general operating budgets, designated funds, restricted gifts, endowment income, sponsored agreements and student organizations. Where sponsor, agency or other regulations are more restrictive than prescribed by this policy, the sponsor, agency or other regulations will apply.
Use of Preferred Suppliers
Travelers are expected to book travel with and through college-preferred suppliers. Please visit the Procurement webpage for details and contact information.
International Travel
All of RISD’s policies and procedures pertaining to travel apply to foreign travel. Any travel by students or faculty conducted outside the US should be reported to and coordinated with the Office of Risk Management.
Policy Sanctions
Failure to comply with this and related policies may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable (faculty, staff, student) disciplinary procedures.
Actions that may be taken include, but are not limited to:
- Reduction of RISD card limits
- Temporary or permanent termination of RISD card privileges
- Temporary or permanent removal of travel privileges
- Pay deduction (deduction from paycheck) for charges deemed personal in nature or against RISD policy
- Further disciplinary action up to and including suspension without pay or termination of employment, in accordance with applicable disciplinary procedures.
Revision history
This policy was created on: 7/20/2020
Next scheduled review: 8/21/2025
This policy was approved as of: 8/21/2024
This policy was last reviewed/modified on: 8/21/2024
Issuing Office
Controller’s Office
Responsible Officer
Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration
Individuals/offices required for review and changes
Director of Procurement Services
Credit Card Services and Reimbursement Administrator