The guidelines that follow are designed to ensure that all student work is installed according to RISD safety and environmental regulations, local and federal codes, and regulations.
Facilities and Public Safety support RISD’s academic programs and the successful installation of art necessary to these programs. In accordance with RISD fire protection and life safety systems, these guidelines must be followed when designing, assigning and approving art installations on the RISD campus.
Division deans, department heads and the Providence Fire Department must approve requests for installations involving open flames. PFD approval may take up to 30 days. Upon approval, such installations must be supervised at all times by department technician or faculty member. Proper fire safety equipment, as determined by Facilities, Environmental, Health and Safety and Public Safety must be present at all times.
The following materials are subject to stringent code requirements and should be avoided when possible due to their toxicity and flammability:
- Expanded vinyl
- Cellular and foam plastics
- Light-transmitting plastic and other plastics such as polypropylene and high-density polypropylene (HDPE)
- Paper and/or posters must not be used to cover any wall or ceiling by more than 20% of the wall or ceiling area.
Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Systems
Installations must not obstruct any of the following building fire alarm systems:
- Fire alarm pull stations
- Fire alarm horn or strobe devices
- Smoke or heat detectors
- Fire alarm electrical panels
- Installations must be installed at least 18-inches vertically below all sprinklers.
- Installations and components must not be hung from any sprinkler piping or sprinkler system components (i.e. valves, gauges, hanger supports).
- Curtains, plastic sheeting and fabric must not be hung directly from ceilings as this may create obstructions to water discharge from automatic sprinklers.
- Installations must not be constructed near or obstruct any of the following fire suppression system components:
- Fire department hose connections (interior stairs and exterior)
- Fire sprinkler valves
- Fire extinguishers
Building Egress Systems
- Installations are not to be constructed in exit stairs or adjacent to or obstructing exit doors.
- A minimum egress width of 44-inches must be maintained when constructing installations in corridors or lobbies.
- If installations use mirrors, these installations must be installed at a significant distance from any exit doors.
- Installations must not block any means of egress signage, exit signs or means of egress lighting.
- Installations should not change the floor level or any space or interfere with the use of handrails.
- Installations are not to be constructed directly in front of any interior building doors, plumbing fixtures (toilets and sinks) or drinking fountains.
Building Electrical Systems
- Temporary electrical wiring must be installed in accordance with the RI Electric Code.
- Installations are not to be constructed directly in front of any electrical panels or equipment.
- Extension cords must be heavy gauge and must be used in a safe and appropriate manner.
Other Considerations
- Installation area must be clean and orderly at all times. Once concluded, the installation site must be brought back to its original condition.
- Installations in RISD spaces must be coordinated with the room and building schedule.
- Installation requests in 20 Washington Place may be restricted based on scheduled events.
- Paints, solvents, cements and chemicals must be kept in properly labeled containers appropriate to their use, and when not in use, must be stored in safety cabinets.
- Installations in elevator cars and on roofs are prohibited.
- Combustible vegetation is prohibited indoors.
- Any materials and/or method changes from the originally approved Installation Permit must be approved in advance.
Installations on city property (Market Square, Waterplace Park) must be permitted by the Providence Parks and Recreation Department. Projects installed on city property without approval may be removed by the city at your expense.
Applicants must complete the Installation Site Guidelines and Permit a minimum of one month prior to their desired installation date.
City of Providence Parks and Recreation Department
Elmwood Avenue
Providence, RI 02905
Phone: 401 785-9450 Fax: 401 941-5920
NB: Permit # must be posted at installation site.
In accepting the terms listed above, it is understood that RISD is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal items brought into or left at an installation, and it is also understood that officers of the College, such as the Division Dean, Department Head, Director of Public Safety and/or the Manager of Environmental Health and Safety, may inspect the installation at any time. In the event that unsafe conditions exist, the installation must be modified immediately or access to the work will not be allowed until the unsafe conditions are remedied. If it becomes necessary for RISD to relocate, remove or adjust the installation, RISD will not be responsible for any damage.
Please direct any questions regarding location or materials to your instructor or any of the following:
Manager of Environmental Health and Safety: 401 454-6780, Director of Facilities Operations: 401 454-6482, Office of Public Safety: 401 454-6376
Revision history
This policy was approved as of: 1/19/2012
Next scheduled review: 1/19/2022
Issuing Office
Environmental Health and Safety
Responsible Officer
Vice President of Campus Seervices
Individuals/offices required for review and changes
Chief, Public Safety
Environmental Health and Safety Manager
Vice President of Campus Services